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My Story

As a Colorado native, I have had the express privilege of growing up and raising my kids in an area that has seen tremendous growth and prosperity all while being on the bleeding edge of technology and social & economic change. I’ve also been a web designer/developer for nearly 20 years. I had the unfortunate timing of graduating college about 2-3 years before there was a real option to major in web design or development, especially at the small mountain college I went to. I had no real desire to become a programmer so I decided the best course of action was to get a business degree in marketing. After all, what is the web other than one big marketing platform?

During school and after graduation I taught myself how to code and design websites, even building a few for local companies on the side to better my skills. After graduation, I was fortunate enough to get an internship at one of the worlds largest hosting companies, VERIO, Inc. While at VERIO I learned things I never had the opportunity to learn while in school such as server maintenance, hosting solutions, email system management and a host of other technical skills. This started me on my path to doing what I love.

Over the next 17 years or so I have had the opportunity to work for companies that specialized in online learning, email marketing, mobile web design (before responsive), secure Internet banking solutions, credit card processing, telecommunications, CMS consulting and small-business B2B digital and print marketing. I’ve never really wanted to specifically specialize in anything particular and was always open to learning new things. As the saying goes: “I’m a jack of all, master of none” (except HTML/CSS), and it has served me well.

As I enter into the next chapter of my career I am looking to share what I have learned over the last 20 years and utilize my experiences and expertise to help others with their careers. Everything from Email Marketing, User Experience, and Content Management Systems to Online and Print Marketing are areas that I can help others master. In addition, my wife and I are at a point where we’re feeling a strong pull to change the environment we live in for our family. We want space to roam (land), water to play in (Colorado really doesn’t have much) and somewhere that our kids can learn different things. Whether that’s in the States or abroad it does not matter. We just need a change and we need it bad!

I thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about me. Please feel free to review my resume, browse some of my past work, and please feel free to contact me if there are any other questions I may answer or resources I may provide you.


Thank you,
Spencer Winegarden

August 15, 2017